AW Rostamani Trading Wins Exclusive Distributorship With ZNA In UAE

AW Rostamani Trading, part of the AW Rostamani Group, has signed an exclusive distributorship with Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile (ZNA) in UAE. Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile (ZNA) is one of China ‘s biggest automotive manufacturers established in 1993.

As part of the partnership, AW Rostamani Trading is also launching a brand new state-of-the-art showroom on Deira’s Airport Road in Dubai.

Commenting on the agreement, Mr. Abdul Wahid Al Rostamani, Chairman of AW Rostamani Group said: “We are proud to be partnering with one of the largest automotive group in China and look forward to the ­­vast experience they will no doubt bring to the region. The company’s outstanding reputation and excellent vehicle quality assures us of the success of this venture.”

Speaking on the appointment of AW Rostamani Trading as the exclusive distributor in the UAE, General Manager Overseas Business of Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co., ZHAO Hongwei said: “We are honoured to announce this partnership with AW Rostamani Trading part of AWR Group, a group with over 42 years experience in the automotive industry in the UAE. Highly successful and well known throughout the region, we look forward to a successful future working alongside the company.”

CEO of AW Rostamani Automotives, Michel Ayat said: “AW Rostamani Trading is honoured to be undertaking this joint venture with what is one of China ‘s biggest and most successful automotive groups, Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co. We are confident that ZNA’s high quality vehicles – which will now be distributed in the Middle East for the first time and which include the well known and reliable Nissan and ZNA brands – will ensure the future success of this partnership.

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Industrial press releases

Workplace Safety Experts Slingsby Warns ‘Flooding Can Drown A Business’

AS FLOODING becomes an ever increasing risk in the UK, many organisations are investing in flood protection products as a precaution against the severe disruption that water damage can do to a business according to workplace equipment provider Slingsby.

The Association of British Insurers has revealed that since 2000 the cost of flood damage in the UK has soared by more than 200 per cent with insurers paying out £4.5 billion since the start of the decade, which is up from £1.5 billion between 1990 and 2000. Slingsby sells more than 35,000 products across all industries and in recent years the company has introduced a range of flood defence products as a direct result of customer demand.

Lee Wright, Marketing Director of Slingsby says: “Flooding is becoming an ever increasing threat to many workplaces and as we’ve seen in recent years it can happen at almost any time during the year. Many businesses that experience a flood never reopen and with the Government recently announcing investment cuts in flood defences, we’re seeing increasing numbers of businesses buying flood protection products purely as an insurance policy.

“Even though a business may not be located near to a river or other such water source, it could still be affected by surface or groundwater flooding which can be very difficult to predict. Although it’s impossible to completely flood-proof a property there are lots of things that can be done to help prevent flood damage and make drying-out and cleaning up much quicker and easier.”

Lee continues: “In buildings that are at risk of flooding, for fixed items and furniture, it’s a good idea to use water resistant materials such as stainless steel or plastic where possible and electrical equipment and machinery can sit on raised plinths. It also makes sense to raise electrical sockets and fuse boxes and store valuable items on high-mounted shelves.

“Most importantly any insurance policies covering buildings and contents should be checked to determine what cover they offer for flood damage. It’s also worth notifying insurers when making any modifications to buildings because it could result in lower premiums.”

Below is a selection of products from Slingsby’s range that are all proving especially popular with businesses and organisations looking to protect themselves against the risks of flooding. They are all available from Slingsby by visiting or by calling 0800 294 4440.

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Industrial press releases

Safetyshop Warns Icy Conditions Are Set To Continue With Further Snow Fall

Winter is defiantly amongst us as snow and icy conditions are forecast to continue to affect many parts of the UK.

The cold snap will also bring freezing temperatures, overnight frosts and daytime temperatures will struggle to reach 3 or 4 degrees C. Workplace safety product supplier Safetyshop advises businesses to take these weather forecasts seriously and ask themselves if they are prepared for the start of the bad winter weather. Kimberley Slack at Safetyshop says “it’s important that workplace health and safety is well thought-out in order to minimise accidents”.

Essential items for businesses are necessary to make sure they don’t slip up this winter! It can be said that in 2009 nearly 11,000 workers suffered serious injury whilst in the workplace due to a slip or a trip –with totals reaching more than 30 each day. This is why Safetyshop are reiterating that everyone should maintain a safe working environment during the winter months.

An extensive range of stock including everything you will need to keep safe in the winter is available online. For the outdoors Safetyshop stock a superb range of rock salt, salt spreaders, grit bins, snow shovels and winter driving essentials. Not forgetting the need for an indoor range of products such as anti slip tape, entrance matting, hi-vis stair nosing and anti slip sprays, minimising slips and trips inside offices and warehousing facilities.

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Industrial press releases

Slingsby’s Sound Advice Can Prevent Industrial Deafness

DESPITE legislation being introduced to guard against it, thousands of employees still develop hearing problems every year as a result of being exposed to excessive noise in the workplace, even though it is one of the easiest and cheapest conditions to prevent according to workplace equipment provider Slingsby.

Under The Control of Noise at Work Regulations, employers have a legal responsibility to protect workers from high noise levels in order to prevent hearing loss or tinnitus which causes a constant ringing, buzzing or whistling sound in the ear.

Lee Wright, Marketing Director of Slingsby explains: “Hearing problems, tinnitus or industrial deafness, as it’s often known, are still common medical conditions that are caused by excessive noise. The severity of the condition depends entirely on the level of noise and the length of time exposed to it but in severe cases it can lead to complete hearing loss and once the damage is done the effects are irreversible.

“Employers are required by law to protect their employees when noise reaches certain levels or else they can face prosecution and compensation claims. For this reason it’s important that employers monitor noise levels in areas where it can become uncomfortable. However the good news is that if it is excessive, it’s usually cheap and easy to guard employees against it.”

To help prevent hearing problems, Slingsby has compiled a check-list that employers must follow when noise levels reach certain levels.

When daily noise levels reach an average of 80 dBA (decibels) employers must:

– Explain the risks to employees and tell them how to protect their ears.
– Provide ear protectors – otherwise known as ‘ear defenders’ – and keep them in good working order.
– Reduce noise levels wherever possible by modifying, muffling or replacing equipment and maintaining it regularly.
– When daily noise levels reach an average of 85 dBA (decibels) ear protectors must be worn by law and signs must be displayed warning people they are in an ‘ear protection zone’.
– Average exposure levels, after taking into account any hearing protection, should never exceed 87 dBA.

About Slingsby

Slingsby was established in Bradford during 1893 by Harry Crowther Slingsby who designed and created a range of robust trucks and trolleys to move heavy loads horizontally around large buildings. Several members of the Slingsby family remain on the board of directors and whilst the company is still famous for its manual handling equipment, it now supplies more than 35,000 workplace products to a full range of industries via its catalogues and website, just in time for the onset of the winter weather Slingsby have many salt spreaders, and other ice melt supplies as well as rock salt storage solutions such as a grit bin.

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Industrial press releases

Safetyshop Helps Businesses To Put Security At The Top Of Their Agenda

Safetyshop, supplier of health & safety solutions for over 40 years, has highlighted its range of inexpensive and easy-to-fit security products to businesses, in a bid to emphasize the importance of putting security at the forefront this winter.

Experts at Safetyshop are keen to alert businesses to the availability of simple security products such as decoy cameras, anti-climb paint and personal alarms that can help to minimise security risks as the days become shorter and there are more hours of darkness.

Safetyshop’s Kimberley Slack said: “Winter weather brings darker mornings and afternoons that can be dark from 4pm, unfortunately it’s around this time of year that security must be on the top of businesses’ agendas.

“In order to protect premises it’s essential to take a closer look at areas that can be made more secure, it’s important to assess your property along with the level of personal security for all employees. Employers do have a legal responsibility for the health and safety of employees and improving their safety can also improve the security of your business premises.”

Safetyshop understands that not all businesses can afford to implement expensive security projects and instead offers simple yet effective security solutions such as CCTV safety signs and safety window film. The trusted retailer also suggests increasing personal safety with the use of hi-vis clothing, small portable torches, identity badges and personal alarms.

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Industrial press releases

Scaling Caused by Hard Water Can Be Prevented Without Using Environment Damaging Chemicals Or Water Softeners

The presence of calcium carbonate in water gives rise to the formation of a deposit of hard scale on surfaces particularly when water is heated. In dairies this is a severe problem where it forms on stainless steel and is required to be removed by using chemicals. These chemicals then have to be thoroughly rinsed off before equipment is reused to avoid contaminating the milk. Of course all the chemicals being rinsed off go into the drains and then into streams and rivers. But there is also another problem caused by the scale. In addition to being difficult to remove and reducing the efficiency of the plant presence of calcium provides a surface upon which protein matter can deposit and bacteria can then breed. This deposition is called milk stone.

Stainless steel is used for good reason in dairies because it is not prone to corrosion and has a very smooth surface… But Scale destroys all this and leads to the requirement to spend hours chemical cleaning and scouring.

Lalu Farms of Sparta Tennessee found a solution to this problem, one that was totally environment friendly and that saved hours on manpower, eliminated chemicals and reduced the risk of bacterial contamination.

By installing a Scaletron catalytic water conditioner manufactured by Fluid Dynamics International they were able to neutralise the calcium carbonate in the water so that it did not form a hard scale and did not stick to the pipework or other stainless steel surfaces. The end result as the owners of the dairy say in their report is that they “saved huge amounts of chemicals and tons of man hours and considerable amounts of money”. Milk stone has been totally eliminated since the installation of the Scaletron Catalytic conditioner that treats all the water coming from a well with 400ppm of hardness.

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Industrial press releases

Be Organised and Improve Productivity With Slingsby’s Safety Products

NEARLY every workplace in the UK can increase efficiency by making some simple improvements to employee workspaces according to Slingsby, which supplies workplace equipment across all industries and regularly advises businesses on ways of enhancing productivity.

Lee Wright, Marketing Director of Slingsby explains: “We work with all types of companies to solve a wide range of problems but a common theme revolves around employee work rates. Wages are the biggest expense for most businesses so it’s false economy if people are unable to perform to their full potential simply because of their surroundings.

“The first thing we always look at is personal workspaces and work stations and there are nearly always areas where these can be improved. Although most of us spend more time at work than anywhere else, many people neglect to keep their workspace clean and tidy which ultimately reduces a person’s efficiency.”

Lee continues: “Everyone has spent time at work trying to find things that have been misplaced. Whether it’s a phone number or a piece of equipment it wastes time and in most cases it’s completely unnecessary.

“There are huge benefits to proactive employers that encourage employees to maintain tidy and organised work areas because almost immediately they will see output improve. Even if every employee just spends five minutes at the end of the day to get organised for the following day, it makes a big difference and clearing things away after they have been used also makes for a much safer working environment.”

Slingsby sells a wide range of popular products that can help workplaces to stay organised, including office furniture and health and safety signs. For the oncoming winter weather Slingsby can help your business be prepared with grit bins and salt spreaders as well as bollards for clear marking even after a coating of snow or ice.

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Industrial press releases

Safety Shop Shows How to Light Up Dark Nights

Workplace safety product specialists Safetyshop have begun to promote their range of safety products that relate to the oncoming winter period. Soon many people will be travelling to and from work in the dark and school children will be walking or cycling to school in the dark also. It’s time to take extra care as visibility and quiet, dark roads become a risk – take a forward thinking approach to staying safe this winter.

Safetyshop stock a wide range of high visibility clothing and accessories to ensure that the dark mornings and evenings don’t become a serious hazard for pedestrians as well as motorists.

Children walking to and from school are often the most vulnerable especially when crossing roads, According to official government statistics, children are more at risk from road accidents from 3pm onwards in autumn and winter and this can often coincide with workers driving home.

Safetyshop’s Kimberley Slack commented, “With an increased awareness of road safety we have found that making sure the public are able to get the best safety products can often be a life saver.

“With the darker mornings and nights it can be difficult to spot a child in the road until it’s too late. So anything that can make children and adults more visible, whether they are walking or riding a bicycle, is a high priority for us at Safetyshop”.

On the subject of motorists, the winter period poses many risks especially as temperatures drop and the roads becoming slippery with snow and ice.

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Industrial press releases

Don’t Endure Another Winter Of Discontent – Protect Your Business Before The Worst Of The Weather Comes

The nights are already drawing in, and soon winter will be with us in full force. So now’s the time to make sure that your business is prepared if you want to avoid the chaos brought by the severe weather of the start of 2010.

With a leading authority on forecasting the British weather warning that the UK could be in for a second consecutive big freeze, leading safety equipment specialist is asking business owners and managers to think ahead, and ask themselves how their day-to-day operations would cope.

The UK could be in for “a combination of snow, ice and bitterly cold temperatures and another ‘white-out’ as some areas grind to a halt,” warned Jonathan Powell of Positive Weather Solutions. His organisation correctly forecast the big freeze earlier this year.

“If these predictions from experienced weather-watchers are to be believed, we’re in line for another harsh winter,” said Kimberley Slack, Safetyshop’s Internet Marking Executive.

“But there is no need for businesses to be caught cold by a sudden freeze,” Kimberley added.

“Stocking up on essentials such as anti-slip matting, using heaters and fans to keep your working environment at the right temperature, and having all the appropriate safety signs in place will help you stay productive through the worst this winter has in store.”

Safetyshop can help you keep your premises safe, limit damage caused by snow and rain, and help you prepare your business for any severe weather to come. With Rock Salt and Grit bins available as well as salt spreaders to ensure your car parks, entrances and walkways are safe.

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Industrial press releases

Safety Made Easy With Safetyshop’s Solutions

Online retailer of essential safety products, Safetyshop, has re-launched ‘Solutions’, a way for customers to find the safety signs and equipment they need, from initial design concept through to manufacture.

As of autumn / winter 2010, Safetyshop customers can enjoy this service, which has been described by the retailer as ‘definitely not a one size fits all approach’.

Kim Slack, Internet Marketing Manager at Safetyshop, said: “We are passionate about the products we sell and we strive to offer the best service through our catalogues, website and contact centre. Now we are really pleased to announce ‘Solutions’, as a new way of helping our customers choose the right product, a service which sees us saying, ‘we can help our products and services fit with your businesses requirements.’

‘Solutions’ is a team dedicated to supplying your ideal business solution. The solutions team can help you find products and brand products at competitive prices even if they’re not featured in the online product range. The service also allows people to customise standardised products, bulk buy and design bespoke products to meet specific requirements.

Kim adds: “With Solutions, we are offering all our customers a dedicated and personal service that is on hand to help at all times; this is what sets us apart and makes us the one-stop-shop for all safety products.”

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Industrial press releases

HSS Hire Launches Onsite Hire Solutions

The UK’S leading and award winning tool and equipment hire company, HSS Hire, has announced an innovative new hire solution that involves the start up of new facilities at customer locations across the UK and Ireland, helping drive project efficiency as well as cost and environmental benefits.

The new ‘HSS Onsite’ branded service will compliment the established nationwide network of 250 branches and supercentres, consumers in both the UK and Ireland can now choose to hire tools and equipment from their own dedicated HSS equipment and training facility.

The HSS Onsite packages can be tailored to suit customers’ requirements, ranging from a ‘hot-desk’ in a pre-existing building to a double-stacked structure comprising full stockholding and training capabilities. Typical ‘Onsite’ packages would include a modular building housing shop facilities as well as equipment storage. There would also be personalised safety and directional signage throughout the site. It would include a minimum of one HSS colleague and a tailored range of resale and consumable items.

The concept was developed with customer in-mind, and enables easy and instant access to the very best equipment and customer service, with enhanced efficiency and flexibility. All these factors combine to ensure projects are completed successfully, on time and budget.

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Industrial press releases

Manufacturers Find Creative Ways to Cost-Efficiently Meet Surging Demand

Neptech, Inc., a leading provider in the emissions testing field, has expanded its scope of contract services at its Tech Center in Highland, Michigan. The Neptech team is structured to support an expansive market – from original equipment manufacturers and suppliers to R&D labs and testing facilities throughout North America.

The company has built-up its capacity to handle jobs ranging from small electro-mechanical sub-assemblies to large turn-key projects. This enables
manufacturers to outsource assembly work in order to keep up with surging market demand while maintaining world class quality standards.

The process starts with design right through component specification, manufacturing, testing and installation. The design team works with customers to develop an efficient design that meets the application requirements for performance, electrical, mechanical and thermal attributes.

Recent projects have included design and installation of test cells and industrial gas supply systems for exhaust gas measurement. They have the expertise to design high purity gas distribution systems for semi-conductor, aerospace and solar / PV applications. The added capability of orbital welding has increased cost-efficiencies and turnaround time on average by 25% on custom work during 2010.

While Neptech has maintained steady growth over the past two years, it has built its reputation on its lean efficient operation, responsiveness to market needs, and by consistently delivering cost-effective solutions for its customers.

Neptech has the ability to leverage its network of hundreds of suppliers and partners allowing the option of custom manufacturing or sourcing of components as needed while achieving economies of scale.

For more information visit

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Industrial press releases

Free Industrial Reference Guide Now Available on iPhone, a website dedicated to providing relevant information about industrial equipment and services, today announced the release of its iPhone application.

The Industrial Focus application is packed with information about a wide variety of industrial topics, including agriculture and forestry equipment, construction equipment and supplies, electrical and test equipment, and manufacturing equipment and tools.

According to Marilie Doman, editor at, the new iPhone application provides unique value. “Consumer guides, reviews and detailed articles are added on a regular basis, allowing consumers of industrial products and services to use their iPhones as a source for detail research, or as a handy industrial reference guide.”

Industrial Focus is the first iPhone application for industrial equipment available in the app store.

Industrial Focus allows a user to see the latest articles, browse articles by category, or search for articles by keyword. The application provides the user with an intuitive interface, leveraging the iPhone’s unique features and capabilities. The user will have access to the following functionality in the free application:

•  Browse – Explore hundreds of articles by browsing an intuitive category tree
•  Search – Users can find specific content by utilizing the keyword search function
•  Latest articles – See the latest content, updated on a regular basis

The Industrial Focus iPhone application was developed in-house by D4DR Media. More information and a link to the iTunes download can be found at

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Industrial press releases

Balli Steel Reports European Steel Markets Cushioned From Price Correction By Weak Euro

Balli Steel, one of the world’s largest privately owned independent commodity traders, highlights that European steel markets have been cushioned from the effects of the recent downturn in global steel prices due to the weakening Euro. Balli Steel’s research shows that steel prices in US Dollars fell by approximately 20% between their peak in mid April and May 2010. However, the weakening of the Euro against the Dollar over the same period meant that the relative decline in steel prices was only 3.3% in the Eurozone.


The weakening of the Euro against the dollar has enabled steel producers in Eurozone markets to continue exporting steel for a longer period of time as well as discouraging domestic consumers from importing steel from elsewhere.

However, Balli Steel pointed out that the real demand for steel across the European market remains sluggish. With government spending both directly and indirectly impacting on steel demand, the widespread budget cuts and austerity measures being taken in countries such as Spain, Italy, Germany, France and the UK has led to a significant reduction in demand.

Nasser Alaghband, CEO of Balli Steel commented: “The weakening Euro has acted as a lifeline to European steel producers, making them more competitive to importers whilst being able to fight off competition from overseas. This trend may continue for some time, however, with falling demand there is a real need for production to be checked if prices are to be maintained. We have already seen a number of producers idle their mills in recent weeks and we expect this to pick up momentum, especially as the traditional summer holiday season approaches.”

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Industrial press releases

Balli Steel Reports Surge In Production Leads To Dramatic Fall In Chinese Steel Prices

Balli Steel, one of the world’s largest privately owned independent commodity traders, has highlighted that a surge in Chinese steel production since the beginning of 2010 has led to the recent dramatic decline in steel prices from their peak in early April.

Figures from the World Steel Association show that approximately 158 million tonnes of steel were produced in China during the first quarter of the year. In addition, steel production peaked at 55.4 million tonnes in April 2010, a 27% increase on April 2009, representing the highest amount of crude steel that China has ever produced in a single month.

This dramatic surge in production has led to a corresponding decline in steel prices over the past six weeks. In January 2010, Chinese steel prices were approximately $500 per tonne, rising to a peak of $700 per tonne in early April. However, overproduction has led to prices falling back to $550 per tonne by mid-May.

As China is by far the single largest steel producer in the world, accounting for approximately 47% of global production in 2009, this overproduction of steel and the corresponding decline in prices have had a significant effect on the global market.

Balli Steel emphasised that what happens next to the area’s steel prices will be dependant on how quickly China can cut its production and estimates that the country needs to reduce its output to approximately 40-45 million tonnes per month by July in order to maintain stable pricing.

Gianpiero Repole, Business Development Director of Balli Steel comments: “The Chinese steel market remains a strong prospect for the medium and long term with the country’s growing economic dominance in the region ensuring that there will be an ongoing demand for steel. What we are currently experiencing is short term timing difficulties with sharply rising prices at the beginning of the year leading to a surge in production, ultimately resulting in over production and falling prices.

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Industrial press releases

Snap Sampling Plans! Improves Your Quality Control Systems

Quality Assurance Solutions focuses on creating and selling products that help companies setup quality assurance systems and quality control processes. Quality Assurance Solutions provides specialized content, instructions, and education to help individuals improve their company’s quality assurance program. Quality Assurance Solutions website contains extensive information on quality management standards, quality management tools, and quality management systems.

Snap Sampling Plans! Improves Your Quality Control Systems

Quality Assurance Solutions announces the release of Snap Sampling Plans! software for establishing sampling plans for inspection quality control. Every manufacturing company needs to inspect product to assure the product meets requirements. The inspection stages within a company include receiving inspection, in-process inspection, and final inspection. Snap Sampling Plans! easily creates these sampling plans.

When inspecting for a given feature, companies rely on sampling inspection instead of 100% inspection to reduce costs. From the inspection results, the company decides whether to accept or reject the inspected parts.

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Industrial press releases

Balli Steel Reports BRIC Countries Driving Global Steel Market

Balli Steel, one of the world’s largest privately owned independent commodity traders, has reported that the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are the driving force in the global steel market, thriving whilst more established markets and newer emerging economies struggle.

Balli Steel’s analysis of the World Steel Association’s crude steel production statistics demonstrates that the BRIC countries accounted for 58% of global steel production in 2009, with their market share more than doubling over a decade from 28% in 1999. In contrast, the established major economies of the USA and Japan saw their crude steel production levels decline by 40% and 7% respectively over the same ten year period.

Balli Steel highlighted that China is by far the single largest producer in the world, accounting for approximately 47% of global production in 2009, increasing from only 16% in 1999. However, this is not to underestimate the contribution of the other BRIC nations with Russia and India both contributing 5% each to global production and Brazil contributing 2%.

Balli Steel believes that this explosion in production has been triggered by significant industrialisation and economic growth in each of these countries. As one of the less mature BRIC economies, currently undertaking extensive infrastructure projects, India is still a net importer of steel, whilst the more developed Chinese and Russian economies are now net exporters. Brazil’s balance of steel trading is approximately equal.

Whilst the BRIC countries continue to grow, each overshadows its geographical neighbours. Struggling economies like Vietnam, South Korea and Thailand do not have the critical mass or capital required for significant internal investment projects which generate the need for raw materials and other commodities.

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Industrial press releases

Balli Steel Reports Global Steel Market Experiencing Sharp Rises Since Chinese New Year

Balli Steel, one of the world’s largest privately owned independent commodity traders, highlights that steel markets across the globe have experienced sharp price rises since mid- February 2010. The first six weeks of the year had seen a flat market with the majority of commentators believing that prices would most likely fall back to November 2009 levels, however conversely, prices started to rise sharply coinciding with Chinese New Year (14th February).

Balli Steel reports that the price has largely been driven upwards by restrictions in the availability of raw materials and by steel mills maintaining a tighter control over supply. Balli Steel anticipates that prices are likely to continue to rise in the short term, however, there is the possibility that the market may start to show signs of fatigue in the third quarter, especially if the steel mills fail to retain supply restrictions.

Balli Steel reports that prices have risen by approximately US $200 per tonne since the start of the year regardless of their base level, equating to increases of approximately 35-40%.

Nasser Alaghband, CEO of Balli Steel commented: “Contrary to the views of most commentators at the beginning of the year, we have seen a strong rally in steel prices over the past six weeks, albeit based on relatively thin trading volumes. We anticipate that prices are likely to grow more conservatively over the rest of the year, although prices may come under pressure in the third and fourth quarters if steel mills decide to increase production.”

Although steel prices have risen across the board, there remain significant regional market variations. The Chinese market remains key, accounting for significant global demand and over 50% of worldwide production, however despite surpluses, China has not been an aggressive exporter. Elsewhere in the Asian market, demand from India has also remained very strong with significant imports made in the first quarter of 2010.

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Industrial press releases

Mixed Fortunes for Engineers and Their Colleagues

Results from Reed’s recent report ‘Meeting the People Challenge’ indicate that employers large and small have been seeking alternatives to redundancy, such as extended holidays and flexible working schemes. Whilst many engineering firms have been unable to avoid lay-offs, others have fared better and are now planning to hire. Mark Blay, Area Manager for Reed Engineering in St Albans, agrees that many of his clients have sought to avoid redundancies – but for many, it’s just not possible: ‘There have been more instances of unpaid leave; less so for reduced working hours,’ he says. ‘And of course, some companies regard the current situation as an opportunity to have a clear-out. But good candidates – people who in a different economic climate would have a choice of new roles – are still being released.’

Mixed Fortunes for Engineers and Their Colleagues

No choice

Amongst Reed Engineering’s clients, candidates in electrical and mechanical maintenance jobs have been in the firing line. ‘If order books are down, and production lines are not running at full capacity, there’s less plant to look after,’ says Blay. ‘Although building maintenance people have been less adversely affected.’ Many organisations are holding on to key senior people in readiness for a future surge in business. Yet companies with more complex hierarchies have been forced to strip out layers of management. According to Blay, business development and sales people in consulting firms have been hit hard: ‘Even though market forces are mostly to blame – rather than poor selling or account management skills – if business isn’t coming in, companies can’t afford to employ them.’

Engineering employers don’t appear to be stepping up with temporary recruitment,despite that being the case in other sectors. ‘It can appear unfair making redundancies and subsequently hiring temporary employees, but the temporaries regularly have varied skill sets, whilst enabling short-term flexibility, and can be released at a moment’s notice. Once order books improve and there is a more confident long-term outlook for the companies concerned, they may then revert to permanent hires.’

For more information on engineering recruitment and jobs offered by Reed Specialist Recruitment, please visit their website

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Industrial press releases Helps You Find the Right Industrial Supplies

Are you interested in finding out about equipment for agriculture and forestry, construction, electrical and test equipment, or fuel equipment? Are you in need of high quality equipment for fuel and energy projects, for industrial supply and mro, for manufacturing, or for special services? Are you looking for good work gear or industrial equipment? You should check out the website Industrial Focus before you buy. At the Industrial Focus website online you can learn all about consumer reviews, equipment reviews, and you can get free information so that you can make a prudent investment in the equipment you require.

Find the Right Industrial Supplies with Help from the

At the Industrial Focus you will find an abundance of free articles related to agriculture and forestry and construction industrial equipment. Get the how to advice you need when it comes to finding quality construction equipment or industrial test equipment with great ease. Visit the Industrial Focus website online to learn how to choose electrical and test equipment too. There are free, well researched articles on the site that you can use as a guide to getting the type of equipment you require to get any job done. Find out who the leading manufacturers are, learn about buying new vs used equipment and explore all of your equipment buying options on one website: the Industrial Focus site online.

When you visit the Industrial Focus site online you will discover a website with a simplified navigation menu. You can easily navigate back and forth or f r o m one article to the next since the menu is set on each page on the right hand side. You can access articles about industrial manufacturing equipment, fuel and energy equipment and you can even find out where to get low cost industrial equipment supplies or industrial supply and mro options. As you read one article you can simply click on the next section in the menu to move onto other informational offerings of interest on the Industrial Focus website online. The site has been created to offer you free information in an easy to access, easy to read and comprehend style.

Head for the Industrial Focus if you have questions in your mind about industrial commercial equipment, industrial equipment manufacturing, or where to get top of the line industry equipment of any kind. Learn about the different services available or explore your industrial cleaning equipment options too. On the Industrial Focus website online you can read about work gear selections, where to get safety gear, and how to buy the work gear you require at all time low prices. F r o m information on industrial machinery equipment to where to find the best auctions for industrial safely equipment, f r o m tips on getting great industrial equipment supply locations to offer you great prices, to finding industrial equipment covers and industrial handling equipment, the Industrial Focus site serves as a single website for all your information needs.

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Industrial press releases