Rayflex discusses the benefits and advantages of industrial plastic strip curtains to your business

Warrington, UK, 2021-Mar-10 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Rayflex discusses the benefits and advantages of industrial plastic strip curtains to your business.

PVC strip curtains are used across a wide range of industries due to their impressive list of features. They are economical to buy, they are easy to maintain and they do an excellent job at forming a flexible barrier that prevents energy loss. PVC Curtains can be found in use in many areas of our daily lives including at the supermarket, warehouse, distribution center, hospital, restaurants and so much more.

If an exit, entrance, or access point to a building sees constant traffic, whether personnel or vehicular, Industrial Curtains are the perfect solutions. They are as good as an open door but without allowing heat to escape or rain, wind, and dirt to enter. Plastic door curtains can be constructed from different types and weights of PVC dependent on the application. They are typically clear or tinted to that they allow for good visibility so that those using the door can see if there is an obstruction on the other side before entering.

The beauty of these Industrial Curtains is that they are great for saving energy, they maintain a room’s temperature and they are easy to install, maintain, clean, and replace and this makes them the most popular type of door barrier in the UK.

For buildings, rooms, and openings that require frequent access by pedestrians or vehicles, PVC strip curtains offer the perfect solution. Industrial Plastic Curtains are designed to form a flexible barrier across an opening. This allows easy access and yet efficiently manages the temperature of the room inside be that hot or cold. Walk-in freezers and cold stores are one such example where the PVC strip curtain comes into its own. The PVC is polar grade which means it remains flexible even when temperatures reach as low as -32 degrees.

There are many advantages and benefits of Plastic strip curtains such as:
• Low cost and easy to maintain.
• Maintains the room’s ambient temperature.
• Prevents the loss of hot or cold air.
• Isolates against noise or the movement of airborne particles.
• Easy to repair or replace on a strip-by-strip basis.
• Admits light and omits rain, wind, and draughts from the workplace.

PVC strip curtains can be ordered in different sizes, weights, and grades with specialist PVC grades available such as welding bay PVC and anti-static PVC. For external curtains, the PVC tends to be of a thicker grade with more overlap to protect it from the outside elements. Internal grade plastics will be of a lighter material to aid easy passage for pedestrians.

Via EPR Network
More Industrial press releases

Digital agility enables manufacturers to quickly pivot when faced with disruption

LONDON, 22-Feb-2021 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — We are moving more and more into an on-demand world, where the companies who embrace digitalization and agility thrive. We have witnessed that the companies surviving in this new era of manufacturing are the ones who go digital, be agile, and mitigate risk.

The recent pandemic has resulted in new ways of working, highlighting the importance of getting immediate access to products and services. As manufacturers navigate the new normal, realizing digital agility has never been more important.

Having a responsive supply chain proves essential. Once you take a product to market, it is key to safeguard the supply chain. With a constantly changing market, your supply chain should be able to rapidly respond to satisfy demand where that means making more of the same product, or shifting focus to another more in demand item.

When done correctly, automation paves the way to digital agility. Agility results in lower cost and errors, whilst increasing productivity and sales. Digital agility enables manufacturers to quickly pivot when faced with disruption.

When manufacturers get it right, automation provides a path towards digital agility, which ultimately leads to the reduction of cost and errors, while improving productivity and raising revenue. Digital agility is especially important amid COVID-19 disruptions, as it allows manufacturers to quickly pivot.

Digitalization and technology help companies embrace new market trends. Market opportunity is evident in industry, the capture this, companies and their manufacturing partners need to push the existing boundaries and strive to push themselves and digitalize their processes. As products and services are moving more and more on-demand, only those that embrace this will gain competitive advantage.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Haizol’s digital manufacturing platform in the light of COVID-19 supply chain disruption

LONDON, 9-Feb-2021 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — COVID-19 taught us numerous things when it comes to manufacturing. Throughout 2020, we saw countless industries and companies alike struggling to source materials, complete production, and get their product to the end user. When normal supply chains were disrupted, there was a challenge and difficulty sourcing alternative means to achieve supply chain stability during this time, and keep production going.

Despite the world having a magnitude of advanced manufacturing capabilities, these are difficult to find and access. What has become clearer than ever before, is that current supply chains and manufacturing processes are international, proficient, and well-organised, and at the same time, they are delicate and can struggle delivering transparency to its user when hit with unforeseen instability. This was demonstrated by the shortage of supplies in numerous industries, from medical, to automotive, to digital goods. Not only did raw material become a challenge to source, but key industrial component shortage led to issues with final assembly of goods.

The future of the manufacturing industry requires improved resilience, agility, and supply chain transparency in order to manage any future disruption more effectively. Breaking the existing mold, embracing new technology, and developing a digital supply network which is able to quickly respond and adapt to any situation thrown its way.

This industry requires visible and accessible manufacturing in a digital format. China, in particular, is a country which is at the forefront of this new vision. China boosts advanced manufacturing competences, resources, and has a transparent and accessible infrastructure. Agility and resilience is key, and digital manufacturing platforms, particularly ones that offer an online marketplace at the users fingertips of a multitude of capabilities, is key. This digital core allows high transparency, easy visibility, easy access, and agility when faced with disruption.

Having a digital marketplace which can be accessed at any point from anywhere for any kind of manufacturing requirement allows for a truly agile foundation of digital supply networks. A user can identify manufacturing resources and capabilities at the touch of a button from part designs, features, machine tools, capabilities and more. This essentially breaks down the barriers and reduces effort typically found when sourcing manufacturing resources and capabilities.

The future will see more complex and improved versions of this digital manufacturing marketplace, allowing a user to be able to search for diverse manufacturing resources and capabilities and multiple variables such as manufacturing capacity (such as machine tool / specification) and complex part design. A further development is likely to be a more inclusive service, allowing the user to source based on capability to manufacture components with specific requirements, such as 5-axis CNC turning with horsepower and x/y/z travel metrics with metal additive manufacturing as an option.

Manufacturing is an extensive and multifaceted sphere, therefore a comprehension platform with effective searchable options is something which needs to be continually adapted and upgraded. Haizol’s manufacturing platform provides users with over 200,000 suppliers in Asia with wide-ranging capabilities and the ability to filter based on a variety of criteria. In terms of supplier, the user can select based on manufacturing type, region, industry, factory size, employee number, annual turnover, certification, R&D capacity, and more. They also have the option to filter by product, choosing process, material, and region, to see examples of what factories have previously made, to guide their decision making.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Sourcing new suppliers for manufacturing custom parts in China can be challenging with travel restrictions for many in Europe

LONDON, 20-Jan-2021 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — With travelling both nationally and internationally still difficult for many in Europe, sourcing new suppliers for manufacturing custom parts can prove challenging. To be instantly connected with new suppliers without leaving home is possible through Haizol. This platform is an on-demand manufacturing service which connects buyers with manufacturers that fit their project requirements.

As a buyer, you can register an account online, and submit a request for quote, together with an optional two level NDA agreement. The quote is then immediately sent through to over 200,000 factories across Asia. These factories are partners of Haizol, pre-vetted and screened in terms of their capacity, certifications, quality control, MOQ, and customer reviews. Those with the right capabilities are able to respond with their price for the project, this usually happens within 24 hours.

A customer can filter the quotes based on several criteria, and also choose to get more information of a potential supplier. Haizol is on hand to assist with any questions or with communication between the two parties. Once selected, production can begin immediately, with peace of mind that the project is being carried out by experts in the field.

Current suppliers include thousands specializing in CNC machining, injection molding, casting, stamping, fabrication, and mold making. They also offer a wide range of secondary processes, such as coating, anodizing, conditioning, and assembling.

With new suppliers joining the platform daily, matchmaking is possible in minutes. Sourcing manufacturers through Haizol not only reduces cost, it enables time to be freed up to focus on other aspects of the business. Having access to stable suppliers is crucial during this period, and mitigates the risk of supply chain instability.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Haizol to ensure customer’s supply chain remains stable and consistent ahead of Chinese New Year

LONDON, 31-Dec-2020 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Preparations in China for Chinese New Year happening on the 12th February 2021 have seen a surge in orders during this festive period.

2021 marks the year of the Ox in China, Oxen are the hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but never demanding praise. In Chinese culture, the Ox is a valued animal. Because of its role in agriculture, positive characteristics, such as being hard-working and honest, are attributed to it.

Spring Festival, the official Chinese New Year, officially begins on the 12th and ends February 22nd. This is shortly followed by the lantern festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the first month in the lunar Chinese calendar, it signals the last day of traditional Chinese New Year celebrations. During this period, and production is China is often slower than usual, as factories close for the holidays.

Haizol are committed to ensuring customer’s supply chain remain stable and consistent, at a time when delays and longer lead times are more frequent than normal. In preparation for this holiday, Haizol are providing customers who place an order in the coming month an even faster lead time. Alongside this, the team provides a one to one tailor-made service providing advice on design, production, and logistics.

For on-demand manufacturing for metal and plastic parts, Haizol offer a comprehensive service with a turnaround time to fit their customers. Experts in CNC Machining, Injection Molding, Casting, Stamping, Fabrication, and Mold Making.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The Future of Robotics In The Petroleum & Petrochemical Industries

YANGEBUP, Perth, Western Australia, 23-Nov-2020 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — The petroleum and petrochemical industries, although booming, face numerous challenges. These are only set to intensify as obtaining crude oil and petrochemicals by conventional and non-conventional means becomes more demanding financially, environmentally and in ever more hostile habitats. For these reasons the use of robotics and autonomous systems to carry out practical tasks is virtually a necessity for the industry to progress.

The time of the robot is well and truly upon us, and strategic use of such technology is set to bring about significant safety advances and cost efficiency for global industry. And this is particularly true when it comes to the production of petroleum and petrochemicals.

Because of the colossal value of these industries, with assets totalling billions of dollars, it’s understandable that those held responsible for ensuring continued profits are decidedly cautious when it comes to embracing new technology.

This means that the use of robots for inspection and maintenance is by no means the norm quite yet. But as more and more proof of the advantages becomes common knowledge, such solutions are becoming more widespread.

Inspection and maintenance challenges 

Historically, achieving efficient inspection and maintenance of assets is a necessary but expensive task that needs to be carried out on a regular basis. Challenges posed include:

  • Significant downtime of assets causing reduced revenue
  • High costs associated with the opening, inspection, cleaning and maintenance of assets
  • Lengthy preparation periods to set up scaffolding and vent toxic gases to create a safe environment for human entry
  • The risk to human life when entering confined spaces and non or reduced oxygen atmospheres
  • The high cost of specialist inspection and maintenance teams
  • Worker compensation following accidents or incidents
  • The risk of human error during inspection
  • Inadequate visualisation of certain structures that are inaccessible for humans

Such challenges have meant that inspections and necessary maintenance can take weeks – even months – to complete. While this is taking place revenue ceases, so the need for speed is paramount. In addition, such challenges create little enthusiasm for companies to carry out proactive inspection over and above what’s required by legal industry standards. 

Enter the robots

Rapidly advancing technology over the past decade has brought us to an era that’s truly able to overcome many of these challenges. And whilst we’re not quite in the realms of the most futuristic of sci-fi movies yet, the tech continues to advance. Today, robots such as crawlers and drones are able to reduce multiple challenges of inspection and maintenance, providing the opportunity for companies to not only meet health and safety requirements, but to exceed them, therefore reaping the benefits of proactive asset analysis and associated reduction in maintenance costs

Advantages of using robotics

As technology increases it becomes possible for companies to take advantage of robots to carry out tasks that present significant hazards to human life. Not only does this lower exposure to danger in this high-risk industry, but also provides a financial edge thanks to minimizing employee costs and improving manufacturing efficiency.

The latest in robotic developments have been dedicated towards ensuring they can be employed in real world situations, not simply in a laboratory. Over recent years the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been pivotal in pushing such technology forwards, organising various tests and challenges for robotic manufacturers to overcome. These include the ability to handle tools, open doors, overcome unexpected obstacles, open valves and more.

Manufacturers have also had to ensure that such automaton tools are able to withstand explosive blasts. 

Recent advancements

The speed of technological advancement is expanding fast. Perhaps the most significant progression is that of increasing autonomy. Once only able to perform the basics, the capacity for robots to carry out more complex tasks is now either in existence or poised on the cusp of becoming reality. These include:

  • The ability to navigate autonomously
  • Identifying and solving problems
  • Learning from their experiences and those of others
  • Sharing a workspace with humans and interacting with them. 

Current and future opportunities

The four major industry processes of exploration, development, production and site abandonment are all ripe for increased usage of robotic technology to reduce costs, improve efficiency and increase safety.

Throughout all these stages there are many opportunities for robot use, especially in that of inspection and maintenance. Current and potential applications as the industry and technology moves forward include:

  • Using robots to enter confined spaces to carry out tasks. Not only does this dramatically decrease human risk, but negates the need for unnecessary downtime to prepare for human entry. Currently such health and safety procedures account for up to 80% of asset downtime, therefore the adoption of a robotic element within the workforce provides cost reduction on a significant scale.
  • The use of robots for other potentially hazardous tasks: These include working at height, working within low or non-oxygen environments, firefighting and working in non-temperate conditions.
  • As a replacement for humans in remote locations: Robots that can carry out more complex operations will reduce the need for human operators in locations such as offshore sites.
  • Reducing safety preparations in hazardous work locations: For example, a robot working at height or in a difficult to reach location will not require health and safety measures such as scaffolding and other preparations, therefore reducing costs, downtime and risk.

Furthermore, the reduced cost and time effect of using advanced robots allows for the adoption of much improved inspection and maintenance programs. Proactively carrying out such tasks leads to a considerably reduced chance of any unplanned maintenance issues and/or the occurrence of catastrophic events.

In short, the use of robots in the future will lead to a significant reduction in downtime of industry assets, lowered costs, increased human safety and the ability to work in ever more hostile, hard to reach environments.

In a global marketplace that’s predicted to reach over $7 trillion US dollars* (Oil & Gas) by 2024 and $958.8 billion** (Petrochemical) by 2025, companies, although sensibly judicious in their eagerness to take advantage of such technology, are fast-becoming aware of the competitive edge it can bring.

* https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/07/12/1536385/0/en/Oil-Refining-Market-worth-over-7-trillion-by-2024-Global-Market-Insights-Inc.html

** https://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-petrochemical-market


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The Upside of COVID? Closing Australia’s Skills Gap

The fate of Australia’s diminishing manufacturing industry has long been hanging in the balance – and then?

BIBRA LAKE, Perth, Western Australia , 23-Nov-2020 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Along came COVID-19. For a sector that had been neglected for decades, while the pandemic wasn’t quite the final nail in the coffin, it certainly brought with it the shock wave that made our government sit up and take notice.

And maybe – just maybe – the situation might bring the stars into alignment that will help close the country’s chasm of a skills gap.

Manufacturing is Crucial for Our Economic Recovery

Change is always hard to come by, especially at the extent manufacturing needs. But there are some green roots showing. Thanks to the new government taskforce set up in response to an industry-led recommendation plan, the desperately needed funding for investment and growth is beginning to trickle through.

So what does this mean for the industry, and in particular the small and medium-sized businesses that make up the majority of the sector?

To fully comprehend this we need to drive deep into the rot that’s now endemic throughout. Only by understanding the mistakes that’ve been made and why we have such a major skills crisis, can we begin to turn this unfortunate turn of events around.

By far the most effective way of doing this is to lay bare the biggest error of all, and it all boils down to this: we’ve forgotten the value of local business and manufacturing capabilities. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when this occurred, but if COVID has brought about anything, it’s that we’ve had a hard, sharp lesson as to the importance of local support and expertise. Suddenly the crucial need for home-grown supply chain capabilities has become vital for our businesses and industries, and this can only be brought back up to scratch with a long-term strategy and, most importantly, the necessary funding.

Manufacturing Provides the Building Blocks from which All Other Industries can Grow

The world desperately scrabbled for commodities (ventilators, PPE, toilet roll!) and we were among them. Once upon a time our powerhouse nation boasted some of the best skilled workers on the planet. Today we are but a shadow of our former selves.

So has COVID achieved what many industry experts have failed to do over the previous few decades, and forced the hand of our government to invest in the sector? Perhaps so… What has definitely happened is the following:

  • We’re beginning to understand the many benefits of local support and expertise
  • We’ve realised that the value of local business and manufacturing capabilities is more about quality and service, and less about price
  • The importance of great B2B relationships is something our economy relies on

These are the reasons that, at last, the funding is starting to be put into place for SMEs to be able to upskill their workers and invest in advanced manufacturing processes. It’s only through initiatives such as these that we can become competitive on a global scale. In addition, it gives these companies the opportunity to innovate and commercialise new technologies.

So… Is 2020 the year that manufacturing turns the corner and provides the bedrock necessary for our country to begin to close the skills gap? Only time will tell for sure. But what it has meant is that companies such as SixDe have begun the slow uphill climb – and long may it continue.

An example of this is SixDe’s expansion in preparation of the commercialisation of Magneto, a robotic platform that is the future of inspection robotics. The industry relies on such innovation. With such projects and advancement, we not only get the chance to retrain our current workers, but we lay the foundations that will attract the brightest young minds from around the world to come and live, study and work in our wonderful country. So perhaps, just perhaps, we can drag some positivity from the awful situation that is COVID, and use it to bring about a greater good for Australia.

To find out more about Magneto and the home-produced precision machine components from SixDe, visit www.sixde.com.au or call 08 9434 1112.


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Haizol now offers Motorcycle Manufacturing & Custom Made Bike Parts

LONDON, 11-Nov-2020 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NWES/ — Haizol entered the market as a manufacturer of metal and plastic parts and components, quickly becoming a go-to name in the machining and molding industry both within China and throughout the world. Haizol now has a solid and expanding consumer base worldwide of small and medium enterprises who require custom manufacturing of high quality parts.

Haizol is a one-stop sourcing solution for quality parts and products, and is excited to announce they have added to their offerings. From design to door, Haizol can now manufacture motorcycles, e-bikes, and bicycles, including custom parts for these products. Being a custom manufacturer gives the customer maximum flexibility in terms of achieving their product requirements. With a low minimum order quantity, it is accessible for businesses of all sizes.

Haizol have been developing their automotive manufacturing capabilities over the last several years, and have now reached the perfect point to produce and deliver automotive supplies to the masses. With flexible solutions for all business types, a customer can jump onto the website to get a same day quote, at unbeatable value for money. In-house engineers make the process seamless, being on hand to provide design assistance, manufacturability advice, and cost reduction recommendations.

Haizol’s customer satisfaction rate is second to none, with their transparent ordering and review service enabling new customers to order with confidence.

From production, to assembly, and delivery, try Haizol today to reduce your sourcing budget.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Haizol: New export business in China has seen its largest increase since 2017

LONDON, 19-Oct-2020 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — The Caixin China General Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) measures the performance within the manufacturing sector, and is based on over 400 private industrial companies in China. The PMI shows a steady figure of 53.0 for September 2020, suggesting manufacturing growth remains robust, and factory activity continued their recovery path since COVID-19 hit.

China’s manufacturing industry this last quarter has exceeded last years readings, aided by a COVID-19 measures being relaxed. There was a new rise in orders, and buying levels were at an all time high since 2018.

New export business in China has seen its largest increase since 2017, alongside purchasing activity reaching its highest level of the last decade. This year has also seen the highest number of new orders since the beginning of 2011. Haizol has witnessed continued growth from the middle of the year until now, finding an increased number of buyers want to move to digital manufacturing, and find value in Haizol’s hands off, online sourcing offering.

China manufacturing has also demonstrated its resilience through employment figures, which have now stabilized after a turbulent couple of months of job shedding. Key manufacturing companies showed growth in input costs have risen, yet there has been no significant rise in selling prices due to tough market competition. Haizol, who have experienced continual growth to their customer base, have also maintained that keeping their prices low is imperative to their customer centered approach, and remaining the most competitive in the market.

The economy in China has demonstrated it has got its momentum back post epidemic, with manufacturing expanding the most since 2011, according to the Caixin index. In 2020, it has beaten the market consensus month on month, with successive growth in factory activity and the sharpest in almost a decade, as consumer demand continued to expand after the pandemic. With index figures at a 6-month high, and with a renewed increase in orders month on month, buyers worldwide can order parts with confidence.

Whether a company is looking to outsource a prototype, or full-scale production, Haizol are experts in metal and plastic custom part production. Companies of all sizes receive a tailor made, customer focused service.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

OEM Sourcings: Eliminate risks associated with possible geographical closures with Haizol’s 200,000+ suppliers across Asia

LONDON, 28-Sep-2020 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Operational Agility refers to one’s ability to discover and seize opportunities to improve operations and processes, within a focused business model. For the vast majority of companies, increasing agility is a board room objective.

With the world becoming increasingly fragile, who wouldn’t want to be in a position where they are able to react quickly to opportunities or adapt in time to evade possible difficulty? What used to be a focus on goals delivering tangible and short term returns, 2020 has brought operational agility to the forefront of business strategy and objectives.

Small, medium and large manufacturers, are all looking into what exactly their operations are and how efficiently they run them. A priority is to be well prepared to respond to future events, and this begins with improved analysis and management.

For industrial businesses in particular, agility enables flexibility and responsiveness, which can be critical for businesses preparation facing unpredictable situations. With these tools, a business can alter their direction with assurance and adjust to emerging challenges worldwide.
How can a company become more agile? Utilizing digital tools and analytics alongside AI and automation can aid in gaining insights and data. This data creates a better picture of the current situation, allowing for improved planning for the future. Adopting digital technologies, in conjunction with more data intelligence is key to prosper and advance supply chain relationships.

Outsourcing your supply chain can result in more efficient and streamlined operations. Having a supplier base which is widespread and can withstand the possibility of geographical closures which may limit production is beneficial. Haizol has a diverse supply chain in place, which can bring stability and confidence to businesses of all sizes. Haizol leverages a database of over 200,000 suppliers across Asia specializing in all kinds of manufacturing processes to cater to the most stringent requirements.

Diversify your existing strategy today and try outsourcing your parts production.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Galata Chemicals opens its 4th Tin Stabilizer facility

LAMPERTHEIM, Germany, 3-Sep-2020 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Galata Chemicals, a leading global producer of plastic additives, announced the commissioning of its newest Tin Stabilizer production facility in Dahej, India. This facility will produce Methyl, Butyl, and Octyl Tin Stabilizers, further expanding the global reach of its Mark® Tin Stabilizer portfolio. With products already commercially approved by several leading PVC and CPVC processors, this new facility is well positioned to serve both the domestic Indian market as well as international sectors.


“The product validation by our customers was a crucial step in making the decision to forge ahead with capital investment despite challenging market conditions driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. This expansion demonstrates Galata’s commitment to the Indian and global vinyl markets,” said Drew Clock– Executive Vice President, Galata Chemicals Global Group. This will be Galata’s fourth Tin Stabilizer facility after Taft (Louisiana, USA), Bradford (Ontario, Canada), and Lampertheim, (Germany).

Additionally, the site will begin production of Tin Intermediates including Tetrabutyltin (TBT), a precursor to Butyl Tin Stabilizers. “Producing the final product is only one part of the story. Backward integration is the keystone to long term manufacturing and commercial success. This is the next stage of Galata’s evolution and will not be the last.” said Drew Clock.


Used in a wide range of applications including PVC Pipes and fittings, sheet extrusion, and injection molding, Mark® Tin Stabilizers have led the industry in quality, value, and performance for decades. The newest investments in India will serve the existing Tin Stabilizer Vinyl markets as well as focus on providing lead-free solutions in order to meet stricter regulatory requirements.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

EWF along with its partners developed the first International Additive Manufacturing Qualification System

PORTO SALVO, Portugal, 28-Nov-2019 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Additive Manufacturing is entering fast into the mainstream since most industries, if not all, are bound to benefit from its nearly endless possibilities of customization and on-demand production. It is already redefining many industries, and it has the potential to disrupt traditional business models and value chains, providing companies willing to fully embrace this technology with a significant competitive advantage. One of the reasons that its growth has not been as fast as anticipated is the lack of qualified professionals capable of dealing and operating in Additive Manufacturing. Essentially, the shift in existing job definitions and the emergence of new skill sets require continuous up/reskilling to meet the needs of an economy that is increasingly blurring the lines between the physical and digital world. That is why EWF has, along with its network of partners, developed the first International Additive Manufacturing Qualification System to support the fast adoption of this new market.

This new qualification system relies on EWF’s expertise in the development of advanced harmonized qualifications that are broadly used and recognized. These qualifications, as with all other developed by EWF, are a result of the cooperative work between the federation and experts representing both industry and education (e.g. training centres, universities, and research organisations), that agreed on the technical and pedagogical structure of the qualifications needed for current and future professionals in metal additive manufacturing. The collaboration with organizations supported by several European projects, ensures that a crucial fast track adoption of this first European/International Qualification System for Additive Manufacturing personnel is made possible.

EWF currently offers Qualifications in Metal AM, three at the Operator level and three at Engineering level. And they have been gathering momentum, with the International harmonised qualifications for professionals in additive manufacturing already recognized in 33 European countries. The first countries offering these qualifications are Italy, Germany, France, UK and Spain, and the first course for Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) operator started this year in Italy, with the first diplomas already awarded.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New York Fire Extinguisher Service

New York, NY, 2019-Nov-07 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — If you are searching for a local Fire Extinguisher Service and Sales Company providing the complete New York Metropolitan region from Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan, Long Island, Suffolk and Nassau County New York with the highest quality of fire extinguisher inspection, repair and installations across the region. As a licensed and experienced fire protection company we provide many business owners and consumers with fire life safety products. Partnering with Ansul, Buckeye, and Kidde, New York Fire Extinguisher Service is dedicated to serve the New York area with prompt and honest service.

The licensed New York company – NY Fire Extinguisher Service – is experienced enough to not just offer not just fire extinguisher equipment but complete restaurant fire prevention and ventilation solutions for the metropolitan region of NYC.

“We maintain many portable fire extinguisher and automatic fire extinguishing systems and will notify you so they never fall out of service as they must be maintained and be ready to fight any fire that arises”

NY Fire Extinguisher Service, is available for free quotes. So give them a call 877-687-0006, or email them at nyfireextinguisherservice@gmail.com for further information.

Via EPR Network
More Industrial press releases

New Online Deck Designer Wowing Pontoon Boat Owners Nationwide

New Paris, Indiana, United States, 2019-Oct-15 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Veada Industries recent relaunch of the company’s website focused on Boat Seats and Boating Accessories included the introduction of Veada’s all new, Pontoon Boat Deck Designer application tool.

The drag and drop designer application allows users to customize their pontoon boat deck with over 20 different pieces in a variety of seating sizes, shapes, features, and color options. A Veada representative said, “We’re already getting positive reviews on the boat seat Deck Designer tool. It gives boat owners the ability to customize the planner to their boat’s length, width and door arrangement, then easily drag and drop the individual pieces to the deck. They can then can rotate and position each piece to visualize how everything will look and fit before they buy.”

The company collaborated closely with their web developers at Precept Partners in redesigning the website and creating the Deck Designer software. Precept manager, Stephen Antisdel said, “We paid particular attention to making the Deck Designer tool both intuitive and fun to use, with instant pricing calculations as each piece is added to the user’s virtual boat deck.”

Veada’s redesigned website also features a wide variety of helpful information on installing boat seats, boat seat cleaning, and a marine upholstery guide in the FAQ section, along with fishing boat seats, helm boat seats, seat pedestals, boat cup holders, marine vinyl upholstery, tent and camper coverings, plus payment options that includes Free Shipping offerings and Free Fabric Samples.

The company also offers free marine vinyl samples sent on request. A summary of applications and helpful tools for all boat owners:


Via EPR Network
More Industrial press releases

ASI Drives: Mark 600 – Heavy Duty Fully Enclosed Transaxle

MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA, USA, 10-Oct-2019 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — ASI Drives introduces the next generation of heavy-duty, fully enclosed transaxles with their Mark 600, set to markedly transform both indoor and outdoor material handling. An evolution of the industry-standard Mark 400, the company designed the new transaxle as a high-performance replacement for applications typically requiring internal combustion engines. The Mark 600 is part of ASI’s Viking Transaxle product line.

“The Mark 600 is possible thanks to recent improvements in battery and electronics technology,” explains John Cross, ASI Drives’ President and CTO. “When combined with our transaxle technology,” he goes on, “these improvements allowed us to develop a new transaxle capable of replacing the internal combustion engine in the outdoor material handling market.” Other markets include outdoor power equipment and floor care.

High-torque and High-speed Configurations

With a large 70 mm mount, the Mark 600 produces up to 270 Nm of torque at 60 RPM under high load in high-torque configurations. Under typical load, high-speed configurations produce 60 Nm of torque at 119 RPM. This makes it suitable for many applications, from motorized wheelbarrows, plane tuggers and trailer movers to personal scooters, large floor-cleaning machines and more.

The Benefits of Thoughtful Design and Engineering

Distinguishing features of the Mark 600 include: single-piece casting for precision gear alignment and quieter operation; bolt-on tube extensions for multiple widths without retooling; high-strength bevel gear differentials; available robust permanent magnet DC motors; easily replaceable motors and brushes; service intervals exceeding 2,000 hours.

Highly Customizable Feature Set

ASI can configure the Mark 600 to meet the demands of a variety of applications. Reduction ratios range from 24:1 to 36:1. Standard widths range from 237 mm to 596 mm, with custom widths available. Motor options include permanent magnet DC 4-pole and brushless AC and DC motors, available in 122 mm and up to 152 mm diameters, respectively. Voltages range from 12 V to 48 V DC. Axles can be hubs or custom.

To learn more about the about the Mark 600, visit asidrives.com/Mark600. To learn about other solutions by ASI, visit asidrives.com/offerings or call 215-661-1002.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Wood and Laminate Flooring Market To Witness an Excellent Growth by Exploitation in 2017 to 2026

San Jose, CA, United States, 2019-Sep-06 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Floorings are a key amenity for homes, and their presence enhances the natural appearance of physical spaces. Floorings made of wood and laminates are becoming sought-after for providing a traditional look at affordable prices. This report, compiled by XploreMR, provides in-depth analysis of the global wood and laminate floorings market for the forecast period 2017-2026, offering key insights on the growth prospects of the market.


The scope of the XploreMR’s report is to analyze the global wood and laminate floorings market for the forecast period 2017-2026 and offer accurate and unbiased insights to the readers. Wood and laminate floorings manufacturers, suppliers, and stakeholders in the global industry can benefit from the analysis offered in this report.

In-depth analysis regarding the energy saving properties, usage benefits, and long-term maintenance is detailed in this report. The comprehensive study offers insights on various market drivers, trends, and challenges shaping the future of the market, serving as a platform for future study, interest and understanding for the leading industries, trade magazines and journals related to the global wood and laminate floorings market.

Get Sample Copy of This Report @ https://www.xploremr.com/connectus/sample/459


The report introduces the current scenario of the market for wood and laminate floorings. The executive summary section of the report offers information regarding the future scope of the global wood and laminate floorings market. Brief information on the vital aspects, facts, and statistics on the global wood and laminate floorings market is emphasized in this section.


This section offers an overview of the global wood and laminate floorings market. This section comprises definition of the product – wood and laminate floorings, along with key insights on dynamics playing an important role towards the growth of the market. The overview also includes market value and year-on-year growth defining the future progress and decline of the global wood and laminate floorings. Data on the year-on-year growth provides readers with an overall view on expected progress reshaping growth during the forecast period.

In the next section, the report provides insights on major drivers, key trends, and retrains on the basis of demand, supply and macro-economic factors. The report also talks about an impact analysis of drivers and restraints that helps in decision-making and becoming more efficient.

The report further provides information on various technological advancements in the global wood and laminate floorings market. Latest information and advancements regarding growth opportunities can prove to be beneficial for the leading manufacturers of wood and laminate floorings. With advancements in technology, keeping an eye on the latest trends and developments is important for wood and laminate floorings manufacturers to frame key business strategies. Key insights concerning the list of distributor, supply chain, cost structure, pricing analysis, and raw material sourcing, are also provided in this section of the report.

Considering the broad-scope of the global wood and laminate floorings market, the report offers in-depth insights on the forecast and segment-wise analysis. The wood and laminate floorings market has been segmented on the basis of product type, end-user, construction activity, and region. This sections offers segmentation analysis, along with a detailed country-wise forecast on all the parameters.

Get To know Discount On This Report @ https://www.xploremr.com/connectus/check-discount/459

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Tarps Now® Industrial Divider Curtains in High Demand

St. Joseph, Michigan, United States, 2019-Aug-24 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Partitioning a large plant or warehouse with Industrial Divider Curtains is an important part of creating an efficient, manageable workspace where physical barriers are used to create a wide range of benefits including increased efficiencies, temperature control, sound dampening, improved employee morale and workplace safety. To meet this need, Tarps Now® offers numerous options that businesses select to partition facilities to control temperatures, reduce flows of [particulate matter and improve workplace safety.

An Efficient Workplace Safety Solution

While permanent walls provide permanent solutions, they’re considerably less flexible, require more time and materials to deploy. In contrast to this more costly and time-consuming process, industrial divider curtains that are easy to install, as well as far more affordable. They offer an ideal level of privacy and physical separation with the added advantage of dynamic flexibility. Tarps Now® Industrial Divider Curtains are typically installed using mounted on steel roller tracks, allowing for partitions to be removed and replaced quickly and easily.

Additionally, Tarps Now® offers industrial grade curtain tracks are available in a variety of configurations to meet specific business objectives, goals and needs. Divider Curtain placement solutions include straight single-partition tracks, two-, three-, and four-sided setups, which have the capability to efficiently segregate multiple workstations within one large open area. Tarps Now® industrial curtains can be taken down and re-hung as needed, making this solution one of the most versatile workplace applications available.

Heavy-Duty and Durable

Noting the flexible nature of the materials used to engineer industrial curtains, they are designed for long lasting durability, and are tough enough to withstand the rigors of the most common environmental hazards and byproducts of warehousing, receiving, and factory-style workplace. Consider the following potential uses:

  • Aircraft hangers and facilities
  • Automotive manufacturing, repair, or painting
  • Climate-controlled storage facilities
  • Factories and manufacturing plants
  • Hazardous material control
  • Sandblasting and spray painting work
  • Warehouses and stock facilities
  • Woodworking and other craftsman activities

Tarps Now® Industrial Curtains make it possible to contain airborne contaminants which occur regularly in these types of environments, creating defined areas which improve working conditions throughout a facility.

Other Notable Benefits

While many applications are traditionally found in industrial environments, these types of curtains are a viable solution for a wide range of needs. Schools, restaurants, and retail establishments are all examples of non-industrial entities which can derive several key benefits of industrial curtains:

  • Confining dust, mist, smoke or sparks
  • Limiting temperature loss or gain
  • Containing humidity
  • Reducing transfer of light, noise, and odors

When factoring in the relative ease of use and installation, it’s plain to see that industrial curtains are a powerful solution for managing any large space. You can get help with designing and installing Industrial Divider Curtains by contacting Tarps Now at 888-800-1383.

Tarps Now® Industrial Curtain Solutions:


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Getting The Most Cash At The Scrap Yard

Houston, TX, USA, 2019-Aug-16 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — You are probably looking for a scrap yard nearby and got to this page, please click the below link if you searched for a scrap yard near me and need a nearby recycling company. Local scrap yards

Scrap Yards Nearby

Scrap yards are local metal recycling centers, they purchase metals including iron, stainless steel, brass, copper, aluminum & lead.

They will also buy electronics, appliances or cars to dismantle them and sell the steel mill or larger scrap brokers. If you would like to learn how metal is recycled view our article How scrap metal is recycled to learn more.

The metal that scrap yards generate will get melted and reused, that being the case they are a must for our environment.

Here are some tips that will help you to get the most cash from your metal when recycling:

1. Research.

Knowledge is power, and this is the case even at the scrap yard.

Whatever kind of metal you are going to sell will need to be graded by the scrap yard.

As an example, insulated copper wire or any other copper will be (#1 or #2) depending on a combination of the gauge of copper, insulation type, copper coatings including tin, silver & shellac.

If you have scraps such as plate, sheet or any other for it will depend on if the copper is painted or has other metals attached to it.

#1 copper that has no insulation or coating will always be worth more than #2 copper, that’s why you need to know what you have before you call or go to the scrap yard.

2. More is better.

Bringing larger amounts of weight to the scrap yard will give you more negotiating power.

So figure you have a huge amount of aluminum, the scrap yard is going to really want your business more than they would from someone bringing in a small pick up load.

Local recycling centers make their profit by the ton working on any where from $50 to $400 depending on how much they have to invest in the metal.

By gathering a large amount of weight you maybe able to get $100 more on a ton of your scrap then if it was 500 lbs. and 4 trips to the yard not to mention you save on fuel, also keep in mind that when at a yard there is a 50/50 chance of getting a flat so unless you have $500-$600 or more worth of scrap metal its just not worth it.

3. Separate Your Scrap Metal.

Prior to going to the scrap yard, separate all your metal.

By doing this you will get better scrap metal prices which is an important key to getting the most money for your scrap.

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Tarps Now Expands Offerings of Flame Retardant Grade Welding Curtains, Welding Screens

Tarps Now Expands Offerings of Flame Retardant Grade Welding Curtains, Welding Screens

St. Joseph, Michigan, United States, 2019-Aug-12 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Tarps Now® is pleased to announce the expansion of its proprietary lines of flame resistant Welding Curtains, Welding Blankets and Fire-Retardant Tarps that are engineered to improve the workplace safety where welding and industrial heat process takes place and pose an ongoing risk to worker safety.

The new lines of Industrial Grade Welding Screens, Welding Curtains and Welding Blankets now offered by Tarps Now® are engineered to significantly reduce the hazards associated with welding and related industrial processes involving sparks, UV flashes, spatter, and heated dust from manufacturing processes.

In addition to these new lines of welding fabrics, Tarps Now® also announced the release of a wide variety of PVC welding curtains that includes fire resistant, transparent vinyl. While light duty welding blankets typically used for general welding provide protection against light sparks and spatter, these can also be used vertically.

For applications requiring customization, Tarps Now® is the leader in the production of custom Flame Retardant and Fire-Resistant fabrics and related heat resistant fabric materials.

Tarps Now® Flame Resistant Welding Screens, Curtains and Blankets:


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How is scrap metal recycled

  • Metal Recycling How Scrap Metal Is Recycled
  • Scrap metal recycling is one of the largest industries in the Country
  • For the original post please visit How Scrap Metal Is Recycled

Dallas, TX, USA, 2019-Aug-01 — /EPR INDUSTRIAL NEWS/ — Metal Recycling is the process of reusing old scrap metal to manufacture or fabricate another item, this can be done over and over again with the same metal that was once used in a bridge 100 years ago can be the same metal that is now used in the car your driving today.

Video courtesy of The Discovery Channel


Types Of Scrap Metal:

There are many different types of scrap metal you will encounter in the metal recycling process.

Typical metals include iron, aluminum, brass, copper & stainless steel, of these scrap metals copper is the most sought after and is part of scrap metals classified as non ferrous, non ferrous meaning no iron or minimal iron present and non magnetic “Iron is magnetic”, non ferrous metals include copper, brass and aluminum.

Where these metals can be found:

  • Iron can be found in most anything including cars, heavy machinery, structural steel & more.
  • Aluminum can be found in Aircraft frames and parts, automobile engines, heads and transmissions, commercial window frames and window frames.
  • Brass can be found in water meters, ammunitions, fixtures, faucets and plumbing supplies.
  • Copper can be found in washing machines, automobiles “engine harness, alternators & starters, electrical equipment, electric motors and transformers.
  • Stainless steel can be found in the food and restaurant industry prep stations, chemical plants for storage of chemicals and many other products.

The Scrap Yard:

Once the metal is gathered it will find it’s way to the local metal recycling center “Scrap yard” where the metal will be unloaded usually using a crane with a magnet or hydraulic grapple attachment, smaller pieces of scrap metal can be unloaded by hand. It will then be separated and then shredded, torched or made into smaller pieces by any other means necessary.

The scrap will then be separated into different piles and non ferrous metals will be further separated into various categories.

The Steel Mill:

When ready the scrap metal will be loaded onto trucks that will haul it off to it’s final destination, “the steel mill” or aluminum foundry etc. where the metal will be recycled and melted into new iron/steel plates, blocks, beams etc. the metal is melted by high voltage electrodes, flux and other chemicals maybe added to purify/clean the metal, pressurized air may also introduced to help achieve high carbon steel which is much stronger than cast iron.
Other metals maybe introduced in very small amounts as well such as nickel, chrome or molybdenum to make an even stronger high strength steel such as chrome moly steel or 4140 steel.

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